Friday, June 24, 2011

Effective Affection

         We all have within us a human nature that longs for love and affection.  Deep within us is a fear of not being loved as well as a fear of loving.  Men usually do a good job of suppressing those feelings because they aren't "manly."  Surprisingly, many women suppress these feelings because they have been hurt in a relationship at one point or another and their desire to fill their longing for love is too painful.  Our longing for love could be described as the most fundamental part of our humanity.  At the same time, what we have discovered is that this fundamental part of who we are is also extremely dangerous.  Why?  Because real love is dangerous and risky.  It invites the possibility of our being hurt in one way or another.  And so, to avoid distress or dissatisfaction, we live closed and protected lives.
Why do you think so many parts of the world are so cold and unfriendly?  Why are so many people drawn to Facebook, cable television, and online shopping?  Because it can be done in the protected atmosphere of the home - safe, closed off, and comfortable.  
          What about the love of the Gospel?  Where does it find its place in clammed up living?  Furthermore, what about the love of the Gospel?  Are we really interested in the love of the Gospel?  How does it change us?  How does it set us apart?  How does it work?  How is it communicated?  What about the love of the Gospel...
          Church - we are to be the embodiment of the love of the Gospel.  A Facebook checkup, a friendly text, and a casual handshake at church are not enough.  The self-protective demeanor of the culture of Christianity is causing a lot of people to ask, "What about the love of the Gospel?"  
         I mean, do you know, do you really know the love of God in Christ Jesus?  Once we know that love, nothing can separate us from it.  Once we know that love, we're free to love.  We're never at risk of being unloved.  The only risk we carry as the church is to become unloving.  In doing so, the world begins to wonder, "What about the love of the Gospel?"  
          Back to Gospel Lenses - put them on the next time you look at the world, the next time you walk in to your work place, the next time you walk into your home.  Instead of complaining about how people treat you, instead of protecting yourself from pain or insult, instead of wondering why the world is so unloving, ask yourself the following questions; Who here can I love?  Who needs my love right now?  How can I make the love of the Gospel real in this place?
          We fear the act of giving love because we are not sure if it will be reciprocated.  What we should fear most is that we are not reciprocating the love first given to us by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers" (1 John 3:16).  Risky, lay-down-your-life, dangerous love, I will argue, is the clearest indicator that one is living a gospel-centered life.  Writing that statement puts a knot in my stomach.  Lay-down-your-life love is impossible.  It's totally and completely impossible.  Unless...
        Unless you know you are eternally loved by Christ.  Then you are free.  Then you become yourself the love of the Gospel.  Then you are free to give of yourself because you have received so much.  What if...
          What if we took the Lord's Prayer seriously in our lives?  What if our mantra was this - "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."  What if we were courageous enough as a Christian body to take this prayer literally and seriously?  What would happen if we as the church sought wholeheartedly to bring the reality of heaven to this earth?  God's mission is to bring heaven to this earth.  God's mission is for people to get so wrapped up in the love of the Gospel that we never forget it, we never forsake each other, and that this world would begin to look more like heaven because people were so changed by HIS love.  This is effective affection.  It is effective because it is from our God above.  It is affective because he chased us down in the form of Christ.  So, what about the love of the Gospel?  If it isn't changing you, if it is what gives you breath each and every day, then maybe you're missing it.  
         Isn't it exciting?  Doesn't it do something to you to think and know that God is choosing to use you to bring heaven to earth?  I mean, how can we as a church become numb to the words of love in the Gospel?  He loved you enough to die for you.  God wanted to show you the affection you need so much so that he came.  Did you catch that?  He came.  He literally came and brought heaven to this earth through Christ.  Church - RISK everything so that no one ever has to ask again, "What about the love of the Gospel?"  Gospel love is effective affection.  Our world needs it so desperately.  Don't hold back.  Don't fear.  Bring the kingdom!


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